In the early 1980’s Frank Reed, then President and CEO of Spencer Boiler and Engineering Corp. (SBECO), was approached by the steel drum recycling industry. He was asked to help solve their problems with emissions from furnaces used to volatilize residual material left in steel drums. Problems existed with fugitive emissions, smoke, and VOC emissions.
In response, Frank developed the first completely automated Drum Recycling Furnace (DRF). It was installed at Pacific Coast Drum Co., located in South El Monte, CA. The furnace was source tested by Truesdale Laboratories in accordance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District requirements. The DRF met or exceeded all limits. The DRF was later approved by the USEPA as best available control technology (BACT) for the recycling of open-top steel drums.
In 1983 Frank was joined by his son Jim, who is now President of R&R Technology. In 1988, Frank Reed was invited to present a technical paper at the International Drum Recyclers convention in Kyoto, Japan, and, since that time, the DRF has been installed throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and Mexico.
The DRF has an integral Thermal Oxidizer for control of air emissions, including VOCs, odors, smoke, and particulate. In most cases the DRF will meet the particulate limitations. However, where there are unusually stringent requirements for controlling particulate emissions, the DRF is fitted with a lime-injected filter system which removes particulates from the exhaust stream.
The DRF system often includes a Waste Heat Boiler (WHB), powered by the high temperature exhaust from the Thermal Oxidizer, to provide steam for industrial use or to generate electricity.
In 1997, the Reeds moved north from Southern California to the beautiful Central Coast and formed R&R Technologies, Inc. R&R continues to service the drum reclamation Industry.